Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Girlfriend's Guide to Understanding Men



Available Now Worldwide !

It's time to announce the beginning of a new age in relationships: The Girlfriend's Guide to Understanding Men, written by a gay friend is available online and in bookstores near you. The Guide will share with you ideas to recreate your relationships with men into something healthy and lasting.

Why this Gay Man? Well, I'm your best friend, your confidant, or your designer. I'm your model man. And this man is also a clinical hypnotherapist, a yoga teacher, and a spiritual man who has the experience to help you on many levels, redirect your energy, and shift your focus to get the relationship you deserve!


"A woman can never have a better friend than a gay man. He'll tell her what she needs to hear, not what she wants to hear."

Susan Sinclair, Ph. D.

“Great relationship and clinical advice for the heart and mind.”

Dr. Evelyn Frye, Psychologist

“All relationship advice is not created equal. The Girlfriend’s Guide works because it gets to the fierce point of men’s actions. Bo makes understanding men a lot easier than it seems. He is yet another gay best friend I can turn to for answers!”

Mindy McCready, Award winning Country Singer/Songwriter & Actress

“There are many pearls of wisdom in this book. Bold men might glean as much wisdom from this book as a woman.”

Keith Allen, MMFT (Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy)

“The perfect book of profound insights, helpful hints and wise words of wisdom for letting go of losers and finding the love of your life!”

Reverend Donna Michael

Forgiveness coach, speaker, singer/songwriter

“I wish I had read this book before now. It is a comprehensive, cliff notes-type edition to understanding men! What a great, resourceful book.”

LuLu Roman, Hee Haw Star and Grammy nominated singer

“I read this book with an open mind to learn more about men, and finished with an even bigger bonus: LEARNING ABOUT MYSELF. The Key to a healthy relationship—finally!”

Connie “Tootsie Rose” Prince, Happily Married after a Lifetime of Searching


This book was birthed after many conversations with women and men in counseling and in friendship. I found myself giving advice to women, after which they would say, "I can't believe no one has ever said that to me before." After about the hundredth time, I decided to write down my ideas.

After my thoughts congealed and the ideas about relationship were on my computer, I began to realize that almost everyone I knew could benefit from this book, even men—even me!

Everyday is a chance to undo the past and begin to look at today in a new and wonderful way. The past is a heavy burden in most people's lives. At the very least you are carrying the fears of your entire life with you as you try to embark upon a new day. At the worst, each of those fears is beckoning you to follow old instincts and forget about hope entirely.

When you look at thoughts as "things" instead of being a part of you, you can begin to undo what has been created by them. I call this the omniscient brain or the watcher side of the brain. As you begin to watch your old behavior or old thoughts, you can "unhook" from them, if you have the necessary understanding and a new direction in which to take yourself.

My hope with this book is to give you some new ideas to focus on, to help you disconnect from the old ideas, and reconnect you to something that will help you move past your fears and enter into a new day, a new moment that will be unparalleled to the past.

That is a high hope, I know. But I can only tell you that my life has changed that drastically since I have adopted this way of looking at life.

I hope you can pick up a copy of The Girlfriend's Guide to Understanding Men and let me know how you feel after you've read it.

Be well.

See the Book Trailer Video on YouTube--Click Here

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